In my first installment of writing tips, I talked about what you can do to set the stage before actually beginning to write your own newsletter, webpage, article, e-book, or any form of written communication.

Give yourself enough time was the very first tip. Not only do you need enough hours to get the job done, but it’s helpful to know your rhythm and style when working with time to do your writing. Let’s take a closer look.

Get to know your own natural rhythm for when you do your best writing. If you think you know when that is (first thing in the morning, maybe in the evening after dinner), honor that time. Don’t work against it. Find ways to make this time your writing time. Put it on your calendar to keep it from competing with other activities.

If you’re not sure when your “best” time is, do a little experimenting. Try first thing in the morning. Try late at night. Good luck if you want to try mid-afternoon between 2 and 4 p.m., but, hey, you never know!

Recognize that being a morning person doesn’t necessarily translate into that being the best time for you to write. Also know that your natural rhythm for writing may change as your schedule, routines, and life, in general, changes. Be flexible.

Once you’ve established what now seems to be your preferred writing time, decide how much time you need for a particular writing task. Sometimes life can get in the way. If other things have cut into your scheduled writing time, before you throw in the towel, consider getting a start on your writing piece.

During these moments when you don’t have enough time to complete your piece in its entirety, you still have some choices. You can start it now just to get a jump on it, knowing there isn’t enough time to finish. In this instance, sometimes you will surprise yourself and get a lot more done than you first thought possible. Or you may find it helpful to push yourself to get at least the beginning in motion and this may help it flow more when you come back to it later.

Your other decision is to hold off altogether on writing now and plan when you will make time for it. Use the little time you have now to complete other tasks. Crossing other things off your to do list may help you later on by clearing your mind from distractions to write.

Get to know your own rhythm, strengths and preferences for timing your writing and you are sure to get those words flowing.

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