As I cheered on players approaching the batter’s box, I thought of how in business we need to step up to the plate. Many people contact me saying they have difficulty writing a regular blog, creating their promotional materials, bringing their new ideas to paper or following through on that dream of writing their story. Sometimes the difficulty is just in getting started. Many have a reluctance to get in that batter’s box at all. Some step in but strike out watching. We need to support each other to step up to our metaphorical plates and take a swing. You may not feel you’ve connected as well as you had hoped but you certainly won’t connect if you don’t take a swing.

1. Find your motivation. See past the “what” you are wanting to write and focus on the “why.” Take some time to think about what you hope to accomplish by writing that blog/article/story/marketing copy. Is it to grow your business? Connect with your subscribers? Develop a program that shares your gifts? This end result focus can help you gain momentum to take the first steps. It brings us out of what can sometimes feel like a chore and brings it to a higher level.  It taps into that part of us that brings more meaning to our lives, jobs, and work tasks. Let it carry you to the point of bringing pen to paper or tapping away at your keyboard.

2. Get inspired. This sounds a lot like motivation but I think there’s a difference. While the “why” is the motivation, the “how” is the inspiration. Surround yourself with writing you love to read. Read some of your favorite blogger’s entries, articles that moved you, a chapter in a book you love. Let that inspiration sink in. Focus on how you feel as you read words that touch your spirit. Know that you can write in that same way. Lift yourself up. Use encouraging thoughts and words. This is so important. Instead of “I better get started writing,” choose the more powerful and positive “I will write my blog/article/training ebook now.” This slight shift can mean the world in terms of changing your approach and getting you started.

3. Enlist some support. Tell someone you trust about what you’re going to write. Maybe it’s a friend, business coach, colleague; just be sure it’s someone positive and supportive. Choose carefully. You don’t need to hear from the naysayers or someone who might ask “You didn’t do that yet?” Just giving your plan a voice will help you stay on track. You may also gain some encouragement and motivation in the process. If you need a boost, just ask me!

Then, take a tip from Nike and “JUST DO IT!” Remember, writing is writing; it’s not about editing, proofreading and over thinking. Those things actually hinder writing. Just get those words out, any which way you can. If you need help cleaning them up, let me know (shoot me an email at All that “polishing” comes later, after you get that writing started by not just stepping in, but taking a good, hard swing!

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