. We need to do it year round in our business and now is a good time of year to assess your content marketing and communication strategy. As the first signs of Spring arrived in Central New York, if felt like we were emerging from hibernation after a long, very wintry season of snow and frigid temperatures. There is a pull to be outside, to ready the earth for new growth and to scrub our homes as if inviting in more sunlight and warmth.

It is also the perfect time to Spring Clean your business and check all yourwritten communication. Dust the cobwebs off your promotional and training materials; consider revamping programs and services; and ready your intellectual ground to nurture the growth of new and creative ideas that help propel your business forward. Here are some steps to get to that Spring Cleaning:

  1. Know your best time for writing. Just as you set the stage to write, it’s helpful to know your own style of creative development. Figure out your best time of the day, and of the week, to devote to this task. If you like to start the week by reviewing where you’ve been before moving on, Monday morning may be the perfect time to review your website, reread your training ebook, or start mapping out a new service or program. If you prefer to hit the ground running and ticking items off your to do list, Monday morning business Spring Cleaning will probably thwart the flow of your momentum. Perhaps after a productive start of the week, you’ll be better able to focus on business review and development mid-week. There are also those who like to use the end of the work week for reflection and pursuing creative development. The same ebb and flow during the week, can apply to a given day. Some find  their most productive time to be the start of the work day and some later on in the day. Personally, my best time is at night; the later, the better. It may not work for everyone, but, for now, it works for me. Follow your history and instincts for what works for you and if you’re not sure, experiment with different times of the week and day to see what feels best.
  2. Schedule your business writing in. As with all business development, you don’t typically find yourself with unexpected, unscheduled time and space for this. You must carve it out yourself! So, before other priorities chip away at your time, pull out your calendar and make an appointment (or several!) with your business. Now that you’ve figured out the best time of day and day of the week for this, it is just a matter of writing it down on a particular day and time, just as you would any other appointment. It may feel silly, or even unnecessary, but  you can imagine the time going to something else if it is not set aside. Give yourself the same priority you would give to a client or customer. Consider setting up several appointments, perhaps on a weekly basis for 2 or 3 weeks.
  3. Make a list of all your written content. Write a list of all the written materials you use in your business. Start with a broad list of general items like website, workbook, business flyers and cards, and so on. Be exhaustive with the different categories of writing that you use in your business.
  4. Set priorities in terms of best return. Review your list and determine what to address first. Consider how long an item has  remained unchanged; what you use most in your business; what you feel is the heart of your business.  Any item with inaccurate information (old pricing, outdated content, etc.) needs to be the first priority. Next, address what impacts your business the most. Perhaps your promotional free gift, your signature program, your website. Consider new clients’ first point of contact. If they are not invited to stay with current, clear content, they will likely move on.

Time to get down to your Spring Cleaning with all your writing for business! Out with the old and in with the new. Keep that appointment with yourself and your business will stay fresh. Let me know what you find easy along with your challenges. If you need help tweaking any of your written materials or perhaps “new eyes” to gain another perspective, I hope you’ll let me know. You can contact me here for a Communication Strategy Session to review, revise and rewrite in a way that gives you moreclarity, visibility and business!

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