
In my house we are back to school, (almost) de-Christmased, and, like it or not, back into our normal routines. As if life with three young boys/men ever involves a normal routine!

I hope you are finding your joy whatever way that comes. Mine involves looking forward always and a teeny bit back just to:

    • remind me of where I’ve been
    • and help me to learn from it!

So, I’m choosing to approach each new day, just as that: “a brand new day.” Simple, right? Not day 13 of my 365 days to a better me but just a new day filled with many choices that come in the way of moments. In any one of those moments I can choose to:

  • straighten the kitchen counter
  • clear out and donate clothes that no longer work
  • eat a piece of fruit instead of that leftover piece of cake
  • stop doing and just “be”

Or just eat the cake, since there will soon be another moment!

You see, it doesn’t always matter once that moment has passed. Sometimes we just need to stay in that moment: live it, enjoy it, leave it in the rear view mirror and move on.

One thing I have been doing for some time now, is looking for signs from the Universe. They often come when I am not noticing. At a recent event with raffled prizes, I just finished telling friends that I didn’t really “need” a beautiful pottery vase when the Universe thought otherwise and my friends clamored that my name was being called. Driving home with that vase, I felt kind of bad, like I didn’t deserve it because I was saying I didn’t really need it. Once home, as I pulled it all the way out of the box it was in, I realized how beautiful it really was and then it dawned on me that the color and design were almost exactly like the business cards my friend created for me (without my input).

When I get out of the way, the Universe often steps in. How about you?

If as you look ahead, there are writing and creative projects in your future and you would like my help, shoot me an email at deb@debcoman.com and you, me and the Universe will figure it out. If we’re not already connected on every social media platform known to humankind, please click on one or more of the links in the header and see what’s happening there!

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