I know what’s meant by good
self-care and I realize one of its greatest adversaries in my life istime.

Why does it always seem to come back to time? (Tweet this!)

You see, I mean to practice self-care every day: to start my day with a brief meditation, followed by a cup of warm lemon water, green tea and something healthy and nutritious for breakfast.

When dressing, I hope to have time to choose my clothing, accessories, jewelry, maybe even a scarf (oh my!) in a way that feels coordinated and polished and might even include a last-minute look in the mirror before stepping out into the world.

And, yet, my morning seems to go something more like this: 

Jump in the shower and out in under 7 minutes, even though the warm water feels so great and I’d love to linger in it. Half-dry my hair and apply make-up without the luxury of my much-needed reading glasses to see where it’s actually going. Throw on socks – “Are brown ok with black pants?” “Not really but it will have to do…are they even on straight?” “I think the seam is underneath my foot instead of over my toes.” “They’re not even pulled all the way up because I put them on after my pants and there isn’t time to pull up and straighten as much as I’d like…at least they’re on!”

Does this sound anything like you? I hope not! But I understand if it does.

Here’s the thing: when we start our day, week, everything without the proper time and effort required for good self-care, the wheels soon fall off the proverbial wagon and we limp along in our business distracted by the seams in our socks.

To turn this around and point our business in the right direction, we really ought to think about:

  1. Planning ahead for what we are going to wear, eat, do with our mornings.
  2. Allowing enough time for each of the activities (and then some!)
  3. Making a mental plan for what we want to accomplish in our business each day.
  4. Recognizing that good self-care sets the stage for us to focus on business and not on our socks.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and how you use self-care to help your business grow.

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