Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar, Oh My!
Remember your punctuation its important. You can write and write and write and people have to read and read and keep on reading and can’t even pause to catch their breath if you don’t remember to use your punctuation your commas your periods.
Please, remember your punctuation. It’s important. You can write, and write, and write, and people have to read, and read, and keep on reading. They can pause, to catch their breath, when you remember to use your punctuation: your commas; your periods.
Grammar. Spelling. Punctuation. They don’t come naturally to everyone. They don’t all come naturally to me. Use your resources. I do. Everyone can take the time to spell-check a document. It may not catch everything, but it can help. Don’t ignore the little green or red lines under words on your computer that are just begging you to recheck a word or a phrase. Don’t be too quick to click Ignore. Give it a moment and think it through. If you’re not sure, ask someone else or look it up online. You have resources at your finger tips or just a question away. Use them. Ask. Your readers will thank you.
Add a comment here or drop me a note if you have a question about grammar, spelling or punctuation. I’d love to help!