Content Conversion Is Better When You Create With Intention
Content Conversion With Intention
Content conversion is your best marketing tool. When you create effective content (in the format your audience prefers) you outline a customer journey. Creating and sharing content that converts is not as hard as many of us make it out to be.
Let’s break it down.
The Basics
You’re in business because you have a service or product cbdtop.club that offers a solution to a challenge. When ideal clients find you and buy your from you, you deliver that solution. How can you best attract ideal clients in the first place?
Do you jump up and down shouting at the top of your lungs, “Buy my thing. It’s great. You’ll love it. Click here.”?
You may scoff, “Of course not!” But think for a moment. Sometimes we do. We don’t like to admit it. Who does? But when we’re selling, we often start by trying to convince people why it’s so great that they should buy it … right NOW! before our limited supply sells out.
If we remembered, even for a brief moment, that we business owners are consumers, too, we might do it differently. And by differently, I mean better.
Do we like sales pages that strong arm? How about that hard sell? And what about when people tell us how great something is before demonstrating anything at all?
I don’t. Not one bit. And you shouldn’t either. Let’s not expect, nor want our ideal prospects to fall for that either. Give them … give us all a little credit. We ought to sell our stuff based on its merit, not its pizzazz. Pizzazz fades but merit is lasting.
What people need to buy our solution is to believe and trust that it will solve their problem. Or at least ease it a bit. And the best way to help our audience believe in us is to show them something. We show them with our content conversion.
Show, Don’t Tell
Think of it as an audition.
They want to see us do a little soft shoe before they give us the lead role.
So do it.
And do it like it’s the audition of your life.
Don’t hold back. No need to be reserved. Give with abandon. Share your expertise. Create content that comes directly from your service and products. You don’t have to dream up something fantastic. Just share the nuts and bolts of what you do. It’s exactly what I’m doing here.
To help my clients create better content that attracts and converts more of their ideal customers, I have a process. And several of the steps happen before you even pick up a pen or open your laptop.
Know Your Core Purpose as a Business Owner
First, you must be clear about what it is you do, meaning you need to nail down:
- What you are really, truly genius at,
- Who exactly you serve best and what their challenge is,
- And how you serve them best with your solution.
This piece is foundational for all that follows. Only after you’ve clarified this can you move on to what’s next.
Identify the Particular Service or Product You’re Selling
Keep your customer destination front and center at all times. It’s not enough to think “the usual,” you need to specify private content marketing services, group coaching, my x,y,z product. Write it down and keep it in your line of vision as you write your blog, plan your livestream, or write your social media post.
Choose the Part of the Service or Product To Spotlight
Decide what part of your service or product is most compelling for your audience. Is there something they must do first before they can even see clear to your other steps? Is there something they need to understand before they can apply your solution to their problem?
In my process, no one really cares much about clarity. Let’s face it … everyone thinks they’re clear most of the time so they don’t think it applies to them at all. However, many of us have clarity in our heads and hearts but not in our words and not when we try to write it concisely. And when we don’t intentionally bring it out of our heads onto paper or a computer screen, a lot can get lost in translation. It’s important to write it down.
And without clarity, all the other content steps are build on hollow ground. Not good.
Back to my example, in my process, clarity is critical for my clients so I need to talk about it in my content. It can also be a definer of sorts. Some people will think it’s not important and that’s ok, they’re not meant to be my clients. And some will “get it” and those are the ones I want to work with.
You need some definers for you and your content can help you do that. Choose the parts you need to talk about. Even if they aren’t popular, create your content around them.
Your Delivery Method
Figure out how you’ll deliver your content. There are more options all the time. Know your audience and what they like best. Is it a blog article? A live stream? Pre-recorded video? Images or Infographics? Audio? Choose the one you know your audience consumes best and engages with best and create your content in that format.
Now that you know your core purpose, which service or product you’re selling, what component of that service or product you want to feature, and how your audience likes its content, it’s time to create. And not one minute earlier.
Put this kind of intention into your content. You’ll attract more of the people you want to work with. It will demonstrate your value and the value of your solution. You’ll bring them along the customer journey and help them decide to buy.
How’s Your Content Conversion?
Are some, or all of these, part of your content steps? As business owners with multiple tasks and demands, we often don’t put time into the things that can help us most. Your content is one that not only works in the moment. It works for you wherever it lives around the clock. On your website. In your social media. Around the world online. Let me know your steps before you create. Drop me a note in the comments. And if you’d like some support to plan your content with more aligned intention, check out my Weekly Content Conversion Calendar Bundle.