Email marketing is a core component of effective content conversion strategy. And yet, many business owners aren’t using it to attract and convert more of their best paying customers. Dispel some of the myths and assumptions about your email practice to nurture the relationship with subscribers.
How Often Should I Email?
The first place many people stumble is when it comes to the frequency of emails to their subscriber list.
Some almost never email, believing they don’t want to “bother” people on their list or promote their business too frequently. (More on Email Marketing Assumptions here.)
And some bombard subscribers with emails, using almost not discretion about what is valuable enough to warrant an email.
Neither practice works for most of us. Rather, it’s important to find a cadence and a schedule to guide your email marketing practice in a way that delivers value, engages, and builds relationships.
What Gets in the Way of Emailing?
There are endless reasons why business owners don’t use email marketing to effectively nurture subscribers. Let’s get some of them out in the open here. Some of the ones I hear most frequently include … I don’t:
- … have that much time.
- … know where to begin or what to write about.
- … want to sound overly promotional.
- … think it’s long enough since my last email.
- … want to email when I haven’t done it in months.
And even more challenging are the ongoing mindsets we cling to about email marketing:
- I’m not good at it.
- I’ve always hated writing.
- They don’t want to hear from me.
And the list goes on. One of the most common thoughts about emailing is “I only want to email when I have something of high value.”
Defining High Value
By telling ourselves we only want to email high value content, we allow a boulder of an obstacle to get in our way. After all, high value is relative. And we many entrepreneurs don’t give themselves enough credit for what they know. So this becomes an easy way to cop out of sending an email.
Yet, if we take a moment to examine this we would recognize that the very content, tips, and strategies we use daily ARE high value to our subscribers. In fact, what comes easily to us is often the very reason people subscribed in the first place. They want, even need, for us to share our knowledge and skills in the area that they find challenging. And when we don’t email consistently with this value, we’re not holding up our share of the arrangement.
How to Choose Your Topics
There’s an endless supply of email and content topics unique to you and your business. They are so close to us, we often don’t recognize them. And when we do, we then fall back into thinking they’re not high value enough. Let’s dispel that right now. Here are a few of the ways we come up with content topics in The Content Conversion Lab.
- List the components of your core service or program.
- For each component, identify the related challenges, solutions, and first action steps.
- Decide on a short series of content from just one of these lists and begin creating the content.
- Come back to the other lists and either do a next series or mix and match between lists for even more variety.
Your Next Steps
Today I’d love you to your imagine your ideal customer out there in the world struggling with the challenge you solve. What one piece of content can you share with them right now to make a difference?
Write that down. Then email it to that person and all the rest of your email subscribers.
Show up.
Be the solution.
And each time you do this you’re nurturing the relationship with that person who is getting closer to a decision about hiring or referring someone to you.
Make it so. ♥
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