Put Your Best Writing Foot Forward (Or Not!)
Not everyone feels that it's important to spell correctly, use proper grammar, and punctuate as we learned in our early elementary school days. Do you? I'm not a stickler for all this in every situation but I am when it comes to writing for your business and when...
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Step Up to the Plate and Write!
As I cheered on players approaching the batter's box, I thought of how in business we need to step up to the plate. Many people contact me saying they have difficulty writing a regular blog, creating their promotional materials, bringing their new ideas to paper or...
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Spring Clean Your Business With Better Writing
Writing. We need to do it year round in our business and now is a good time of year to assess your content marketing and communication strategy. As the first signs of Spring arrived in Central New York, if felt like we were emerging from hibernation after a long, very...
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Writing Tips: Get Comfortable
After you set aside enough time at the right time to get started writing, let’s consider your comfort, both physically and mentally. It’s important to maximize your comfort so you canminimize distractions when you write. Slip into something more comfortable. I’m...
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Writing Tips: Making Time
In my first installment of writing tips, I talked about what you can do to set the stage before actually beginning to write your own newsletter, webpage, article, e-book, or any form of written communication. Give yourself enough time was the very first tip. Not only...
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Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar, Oh My!
Remember your punctuation its important. You can write and write and write and people have to read and read and keep on reading and can’t even pause to catch their breath if you don’t remember to use your punctuation your commas your periods. Please, remember your...
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Message Clarity Is In the Details
Message clarity begins at home. Holiday cards. What could be easier to write and address, right? Well, ... some people like to add apostrophes. Lots of apostrophes. Unnecessary apostrophes. I'm Deb Coman. My family is "The Comans." Not "The Coman's." Think plural, not...
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