Happiness is a Bad Penny?
Bestselling Publisher Linda Joy has inspired me to become a Sacred Sponsor of the Choosing Happiness Crusade and Video Series. This inspirational series features 30 intimate soul-inspiring video conversations created to inspire YOU to believe that despite the...
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I Choose Happiness (Just Because!)
Happiness is always a choice. We always have the power to choose it. Today, my friend and best-selling publisher Linda Joy officially releases her new bookInspiration for a Woman's Soul: Choosing Happiness. In it are inspiring stories from 27 amazing women (many of...
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It’s All About the Words, ‘Bout the Words, No Trouble (Grammar and Punctuation in Business Writing)
Hmm. Over the years there have been a few potential ("potential" being the operative word) clients who said that their clients didn't care about correct grammar or cleaned up copy; that they loved them and did business with them in spite of the occasional typo or...
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Signs from the Universe
In my house we are back to school, (almost) de-Christmased, and, like it or not, back into our normal routines. As if life with three young boys/men ever involves a normal routine! I hope you are finding your joy whatever way that comes. Mine involves looking...
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Happy New Moment!
Here we are, plunked down in 2015 - with a brand spanking new year stretching out before us. Yikes! I don't know about you, but the idea of moving into this blank slate is both thrilling and intimidating. A few days into all the new "plans" entitled "365 ways to...
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5 Things You Can Do (Right Now!) to Improve Your Life
My friend is gone. Well, he'll never really be gone but he left this earth yesterday. I'm not going to talk about him, specifically, because that just doesn't feel right but what I do want to talk about is his essence and the difference that made in my life. And the...
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5 Things You Can Do (Right Now!) To Improve Your Business
Each time I go to a networking event or any kind of in-person business meeting, it leads me to some kind of advancement in my business. Often, this happens before I even leave home. If you haven't experienced this, plan to go to an event and consider creating or...
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5 Really Simple Self-Care Tips to Boost Productivity
Self-care. We all know what it means. We've all done a lot of it over the years. In fact, we've probably practiced dozens upon dozens of ways to take care of ourselves, manage stress, and live healthier lives. How many became habits? I heard someone speak yesterday...
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When the Universe Calls, Do You Pick Up the Phone?
Can you hear it? It's the Universe. Yeah, that's right. The Universe. Are you a believer? Do you feel that sometimes wonderful things happen that you can't seem to explain? Do you ever just "know" that something will work out when it seems like the odds are stacked...
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7 Ways to Lighten Up For Summer
Sunrise and sunsets are natural reminders to lighten up. As we get out of our heads and look to the skies, people, places and things shift back into perspective and proportion (if we allow them to!) against the backdrop of something so much bigger than any of us....
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