Email Marketing that Leads to More Sales
Email Marketing and Content Conversion Email marketing is a key component of content conversion strategy. And business owners who use email marketing to establish connection and nurture relationships get more sales. But this isn't the case for everyone and it doesn't...
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How To Implement An Effective Content Cycle
If you don't know where your next client is coming from, your content cycle needs some tweaking. What is your current practice for creating and sharing your content? Are there certain steps you follow? Are you consistent? Without a clear plan and regular action,...
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Content Strategy and The Customer Journey
As business owners we need buyers. But what does content strategy have to do with that? Everything. How Does It Work For You When You Buy? Think back to the last time you bought something online … a product, a course, a program. Who did you buy from? Was your...
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Content That Attracts
Better content makes for better clients and more revenue. Still, content creation and then what to do with that new content continues to challenge business owners. In my guest expert interview on Melanie Benson's Amplify Your Success Podcast, I share strategies for...
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Build Relationships with Email Marketing
Email marketing is a core component of effective content conversion strategy. And yet, many business owners aren't using it to attract and convert more of their best paying customers. Dispel some of the myths and assumptions about your email practice to nurture the...
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Email Marketing Assumptions You Can’t Afford To Make
Email marketing best practices include analyzing data about customer behavior rather than making assumptions. In this video we'll examine some of the common assumptions that drive email marketing decisions. https://youtu.be/5GS1Yk-KCnk Common Assumptions When...
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How Do You “Do” Relationship Marketing?
You don't "do" relationship marketing. It's more about who you are. What is relationship marketing? Relationship marketing has a slew of definitions. They cover everything from strategy that fosters connection; a primary focus on current customers; and goals of...
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Content Conversion Is Better When You Create With Intention
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Content Conversion With Intention Content conversion is your best marketing tool. When you create effective content (in the format your audience prefers) you outline a customer journey. Creating and sharing content that converts is not as...
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5 Facebook Marketing Copy Tips for Ads and Boosted Posts
Facebook Marketing copy is a critical component of an overall Facebook Marketing Plan including your Facebook ads and boosted posts. All the targeting, retargeting, and strategizing falls flat if your ad copy doesn't compel people to stop scrolling in the feed long...
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7 Steps to Content Marketing Strategy That Converts
Content marketing strategy is key to communicating to grow your business. It's a strategic plan for creating, sharing, and repurposing information and it all stems from your core purpose and message. It’s the most effective way to add value, attract the right...
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