Can you hear it? It’s the Universe. Yeah, that’s right. The Universe. Are you a believer? Do you feel that sometimes wonderful things happen that you can’t seem to explain? Do you ever just “know” that something will work out when it seems like the odds are stacked against you?

What you hear is your intuition. That internal guide that lets you know what’s real in the midst of lots of fake, phony and just not worth the time and effort people and events. It’s that part of you that makes you know something you can’t quite put your finger on, but you knowit. Sometimes people say they can feel it “in their bones.”

It’s so easy to dismiss intuition or to be moving too fast with our bodies and minds to even hear our intuition phone ringing incessantly. Intuition and believing in the Universe fly in the face of conventional ways of the world. It can be hard work to allow ourselves to trust in them. And yet, ironically, the more we trust, the more wonderful things manifest in our lives.

I think I have always trusted my intuition but to different degrees. I’m kind of also a fact-based kind of person. Weird, I know, to be both fact-based and intuitive but it’s really quite a lovely pair! Perhaps it’s that our intuition is often based in fact and experience but our mind allows us to skip over all the steps of thought, remembering, reasoning, and processing and get right to the “knowing.” It’s a beautiful thing if we just let it be and don’t feel compelled to overanalyze it!

So, in recent years, I have made a conscious effort to be more open to my intuition – to pick up the intuition phone when it rings – and to listen! Sometimes I believe in the Universe working its magic but I want to tell it how to do it and that’s just not how it works. We need to be open, to let go, not hang on, and to imagine the life we want as if it is already here. After all, it is what we make it. So, who’s on the other end of your intuition phone call? And, more importantly, are you listening?

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