Deb Coman
Content Conversion Strategist
Host, #SocialTrust Twitter Chat
Start with a
About Deb Coman …
I’m Deb Coman and I’m grateful you took the time to visit my website.
If you like what you see here and trust that I can help you, I hope we have the opportunity to work together.
The short version of my story is that I don’t have a formal degree in marketing and I’ve built a business helping people market their services.
Funny, how the world works, isn’t it?
My college degree is in Psychology and I use it every day as I support business owners to build social trust with their content to generate more visibility, sales, referrals, and collaborations online.
Strategy, problem-solving, and helping people bring the full expression of themselves into their online content is what I do best.
My journey to this was not exactly a straight line and that’s a good thing.
It takes more than marketing to build #SocialTrust with our content.
And just like you, I bring all the skills I was born with and learned along the way as a daughter, sister, friend, mom, mental health counselor, non-profit management leader, inclusive preschool director, and freelance writer and editor to what I do today.
We are the summation of all of our experiences and that’s what makes us unique.
If I can help you express your uniqueness and what’s special about your brand through your content, social media, and all your messaging, it will be an honor to see you succeed beyond where you are today. See if one of these service options interest you.
And if you’re interested in the longer version of how I got here, read on …
I’ve always loved words, books, letter-writing, libraries, and teaching. Saturday mornings my Dad brought us to the library where our only limit was how many we could carry home. It was so exciting to go up in the color coding taped to the book spine as I got older.
I used to play “school” with my two younger sisters and I’m sorry to say they never got to be the teacher … perks and curse of being first in the birth order.
I didn’t go the route of becoming a school teacher in the end. In high school I volunteered for a special event at the local developmental center. When the day rolled around, my friend couldn’t go and I was faced with either bailing out or going alone.
Now, clearly this does not require much bravery but I was 16 and anxious. Meeting the young girl with Down Syndrome and helping guide her through the day’s activities became a turning point for me in so many ways.
After college (hang in there if you’re beginning to worry that I’m taking you year by year into the present, LOL!) … ok, so after college I applied my psychology degree to working in non-profit human services. What a gift. So much learning. And being surrounded by people who shared the value of helping others (Spoiler Alert: I’m an Enneagram 2) … many became life-long friends.
Speeding things up … worked my way up from entry level mental health counselor to program services supervisor overseeing multiple group homes, apartment programs, and case management. Learning while doing … my most enriching employment until today.
So, non-profit management team, grants writer, mom (thank you Universe and husband for the ability to stay home with them)…
… inclusive preschool teacher to inclusive preschool director … yes, I have a pattern toward leading … freelance consultant and copywriter … to that day when it all changed …
The person I was contracting work with decided to go back to corporate … and I had grown to love this online work I could do on my own schedule.
This is the point in the story where I hung out my virtual shingle and sought clients on my own.
It wasn’t that hard.
I simply started connecting with people online and getting to know them and seeing if they could use my help with their messaging.
Many authors, coaches, and spiritual healers later, it took shape and focused in on supporting (there’s my Enneagram 2 and years of human service background) service-based business owners like you to use content to create more visibility, reach, connections, and sales (yes, it’s ok to want sales) online.
I could not love it more. I’m honored every time I get to work with someone new and humbled by how many clients stay with me for years.
If you’re stumped, stuck, or somehow plateaued with your content not attracting and converting a steady flow of new clients … we should talk.
I have a knack for breaking down advanced content conversion strategy into simple steps you can do with ease … when you have the right person in your corner.
Let’s see if I’m your person.