7 Ways to Lighten Up For Summer

7 Ways to Lighten Up For Summer

Sunrise and sunsets are natural reminders to lighten up. As we get out of our heads and look to the skies, 
people, places and things shift back into perspective and proportion (if we allow them to!) against the backdrop of something so much bigger than any of us.

Follow these 7 Steps to Lighten Up This Summer:

  1. Step outside. When the weather allows, and even when it doesn’t, go outdoors and breathe in deeply.
  2. Move your body. Exercise, walk, dance, anything to get your muscles moving, heart pumping and your life force energized. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Move a muscle, change a thought.” It really works.
  3. Read. Read something you love; something inspirational; something that expands your heart and mind. Make time for something you always wanted to read or reread an old favorite that brings you back to a time when life was more simple.
  4. Play. Do something fun. Maybe it’s in your backyard or an outing with a friend or a fishing trip. Be present in that moment. Engage all your senses and take it all in.
  5. Make something. Draw, paint, build, plant, play music or sing. Do something with your hands that takes your focus away from thought and into action.
  6. Listen. Not just with your ears. What does some “down time” awaken in you? Creativity? New found joy? A pull to get back to work? Accept it for whatever it is.
  7. Now write. Write about what you saw, heard, felt, smelled, and tasted with your senses and from your heart. Write for your eyes only. This isn’t work; remember? It’s Summer!

How do you lighten up? We’d all love to hear what works for you! Please share and comment below.